2014 Tour de Gruene

27 Oct 2014

Calling all hams!

We are looking for a few good folks to help us out with the 2014 Tour de Gruene bicyle race.

The 31th annual Tour de Gruene is Saturday, 11/8 and Sunday 11/9. The routes this year are very similar to last year, but the start/finish is now located at Lazy L&L Campground, just south of the 4th crossing.

1) The tour will start a 8:00am Saturday and will go until about 1pm. There are 4 different routes this year, although most are variations of the same route. Riders leave Lazy L&L -> River Road -> Hueco Springs Loop -> Hiway 46 -> FM 2722 -> FM 2673 -> Sattler -> ( longer rides diverge & loop N/E of the lake & back to Sattler ) -> River Road -> Lazy L&L.

There will be staggered starts every 10 minutes from 8:00am to 9:00am.

2) The Individual Time Trial starts at 3pm Saturday and will go until about 5:30pm. The route is different this year. Lazy L&L -> River Rd -> Hueco Springs Loop -> Highway 46 -> FM 2722 -> Bear Creek Trail.

3) The two man time trial riders start at 8:01am & go every 30 seconds. L&L -> River Road -> Hueco Springs Loop -> Hiway 46 -> FM 2722 -> FM 2673 -> Sattler -> River Road -> Lazy L&L.

Volunteers usually get a t-shirt & a ticket to Wurstfest, assuming they are available. Sometimes they run out.

The URL is for more info, including route maps, is: http://www.tourdegruene.com

There are still a few positions open and the club would enjoy your support. Contact us and put "Tour de Gruene" in the subject line.