About Us


The Early Days

Guadalupe Valley Amateur Radio Club established its roots in 1978 when the need for a local repeater in the New Braunfels area was realized. The 147.000 repeater was installed and commissioned through the support of W5FFG (local legend and Godfather of Amateur repeaters) shortly after. Many Elmers assisted the young group over the years keeping the repeaters up and running. Some of these elmers have gone SK and others are still providing support from the sidelines.

WB5LVI was founded in 1974 by WA5VTT. Club leadership was assumed by KC5ZR when WA5VTT left his position with the school. The club was operated out of New Braunfels High School until approximately 1984. Many friendships were forged, untold quantities of coax was terminated, and countless contacts were made. At the time, GVARC functioned independently and was not affiliated with WB5LVI. Waning student interest and the retirement of the teacherham resulted in the apparent demise of the club. The station was dismantled, although evidence of its existence could be found (in the form of the club antenna tower) until the late 1990s, and the call was allowed to return to the pool.


Fast forward to 2005. Through a need to support the operation of the 147.000 repeater, and as a result of tireless dedication from a few former club members, the Guadalupe Valley Amateur Radio Club was reestablished and the WB5LVI call reclaimed. WQ5C courageously led the club during the rebirth, continues to serve on the board, and graciously allows the use of his shack for field day. WB4DAD held the reigns for several years, fearlessly leading the group while making a few CW contacts along the way. GVARC is currently 24 members strong and growing every day. If you have a license and are currently inactive, looking for an elmer to help you along, or need to take your tests to join our ranks GVARC is here to help.

Club Officers


Vice President



The Weekly Gathering

An informal gathering of GVARC members and local hams is held on most Saturday mornings from 0730-0830 at Granzin's BBQ located at 660 West San Antonio Street in New Braunfels. Anyone and everyone is welcome at this gathering, please join us for a cup of coffee and a taco!

The Business Meetings

The club conducts quarterly business meetings at Granzin's BBQ on the second Saturday of January, April, July, and October.

Field Day

For four years and counting, the club has put on a event coinciding with the annual ARRL Field Day held on the fourth full weekend of June. The club typically operates 2E (two transmitters running on emergency power) and also runs a GOTA (Get On The Air) station for inactive hams or non-licensed persons. Although Field Day is a "contest" the club emphasizes fun and fellowship over competition. The highlights of the 24 hour event include exquisite victuals and award winning libations prepared by the club's resident pit and brew masters. The GVARC Field Day is a family event and everyone is welcome, we usually have a representative of every age demographic.

Community Service

Tour de Gruene

GVARC provides communications for the annual Tour de Gruene bicycle race traditionally held on the first weekend of November. This event is a fine opportunity to hone your operating skills, see some awesome athletes, meet some fellow hams, and walk away with the satisfaction of keeping the gears of a large event turning. You might even get a t-shirt.